
How To Choose A Profitable Coaching Niche | Life Coach Training

Today’s all about supporting you in choosing a profitable coaching niche for your brand.  And be sure to stick around to the end because I’m going to sharing a list of the hottest profitable coaching niche trends in 2020. 


You’ve probably been told to "niche down" to have a successful online coaching business before, but what does that actually mean?


A niche is a specialized section of the market that’s looking for a particular kind of product or service.


Basically, it’s a group of people who have a common problem or struggle, and they need your expertise to support them.


Your ideal client is a person WITHIN that niche. There’s a certain type of person within that group who really vibes with your tribe and who you enjoy working with.


Believe me when I tell ya that you’re not going to enjoy working with everyone.


Your ideal client will be a certain place mentally and emotionally, and they’ll have internal and external qualities, character traits, values, and more that align with you and your brand. A lot of times you’ll hear yourself say that your ideal client is like a former version of yourself!


When you’re clear on your niche and your ideal client they’ll start seeing you as the go-to authority in your field, and that’s when they’ll start finding YOU, rather than you chasing them down.


One of the best ways to get your message out to the world is by being known as a trusted resource in a specific niche.  Clarifying your message is essential to your success because if you don’t know who you're talking to then you won’t know what topics to discuss, or what message will magnetize the right people. 


Remember, clarity inspires action and confusion breeds inaction. And we want the right people to find you and take ACTION! 


So in saying all that, here are a few steps to support you in clarifying your niche today.

Clarifying Your Niche Step #1: Choose a General Niche 

(Don’t worry, we’re going to go deeper, but you have to start somewhere.)


Remember, a niche is a specialized segment of the market who’s all looking for the same result.

General niche’s in the coaching world are:

  • Health coaching
  • Life coaching
  • Leadership coaching
  • Financial coaching
  • Relationship coaching 
  • Business Coaching

… and I’m sure there are more you could add to this list.


We’ll get more specific in a moment, but let’s keep it simple and start where you’re at. 


So, I'd like you to think about something you’re passionate about teaching. Let’s say you’ve spent the last year transforming your mindset and business and you’re passionate about supporting others do the same. Great, this general niche would be considered “business coaching.”


Once you choose your general niche we’re going to whittle it down a bit more. I’m sure you can get the sense that just saying you’re a business coach is too vague because there are SO many things a business coach can do.

So, here are a few questions to consider:

  • What type of business can you support? (small businesses, ecommerce businesses, online coaching businesses, coaching businesses that prefer to do in person work, maybe you want to work with mompreneurs).  
  • What do you plan to teach? Maybe you’re great at developing systems, or creating sales funnels, or maybe your bread and butter is social media support.
  • Let’s say you know you want to work with coaches.  Is your program is specific to a certain type of coach? Is your program perfect for leadership coaches in the corporate world, or maybe beginner health coaches, or perhaps coaches who are looking to go more digital?


Saying “I’m a business coach” these days is like saying “I work at a bank.” The typical response is “that’s nice” and then we move on with our life.


The goal is to go deeper with your niche so people can envision the results they’re going to get through your coaching right away.

Clarifying Your Niche Step #2: Braindump 

 Once you have your general niche, the next step is to break out the pen and paper and create the following lists: 

  • Results List. This is what your future clients & students are signing up for! Your ideal client wants the results you’re living.  So, begin a bulleted list of all the results you’ve experienced, as well as previous clients (if you’ve had them). 
  • Can Teach It List. These are all the things you’ve been able to master in order to accomplish your goals. Think about the steps, tools, strategies, techniques, and topics you had to learn, tweak, and conquer to achieve your results. If I’m continuing with the business coach example, this could be learning how to navigate through mindsets as your business grew, implementing scheduling systems, learning seo, or creating a content strategy. 
  • Experienced It List. These are things that maybe you haven’t mastered yet, but you’re implementing and can help a beginner with. Think about limiting beliefs you had to shift, or implementing ads for the first time. 
  • Coached On It List. I’m guessing at least a few people have asked you for advice! It’s safe to say that if one person had a question, hundreds more will too. Use the questions that people have already asked you as a guide to your marketing message and coaching packages. 

Clarifying Your Niche Step #3: Hone In  

Now you're going to use the lists you just created to hone in even more.


Is there a tool or technique that popped up a few times? If something like social media strategy, content calendars or content marketing plans, or sales funnels popped up on your lists a lot, you’re telling me that you’re not just a business coach, you’re an online business coach.


Let’s take it even further. We know what you do, but who is going to benefit most from working with you?


Maybe you can say, “I work with coaches who are transitioning online.” or “I teach beginner coaches how to increase visibility and attract clients online.”


Now THAT'S more specific language you want to be using in your marketing message.


And while we’re on this topic I wanted to be a woman of my word and share the hottest trends in coaching niches.  At the time of this blog, stats have shown massive growth in:

  • Mindset Coaching
  • Trauma Coaching 
  • Digital Product Coaching 
  • Manifestation Coaching (particularly referring to money and wealth)
  • Sexuality Coaching 
  • Social Media Coaching
  • Relationship Coaching (intimacy with self & others)
  • Parenting Coaching
  • Health & fitness coaching (referring to internal health like self love & self care, as well as external fitness)
  • Executive Coaching


Clarifying Your Niche Step #4: Searchability  

Finally gaining clarity on your niche is very exciting, but don’t get so excited that you skip over this last essential step. And that’s searchability. Make sure to check whether or not people are searching for what you’re offering.


That’s right, I’m talking SEO, search engine optimization… everyone's favorite part of having an online business. Well, that might not be entirely true, but it’s a part you CAN’T SKIP!


The 3 main search engines people use to find information are Google, YouTube, and Pinterest. Let’s focus on Google for the sake of this blog.


Search your niche, which is also known as a keyword or longtail keyword, and see how many results come up. When you’re new, you want the search volume for your keyword to be between 500-10,000. 


So how the heck do you even get this information. I love using the tools Keywords Everywhere when searching Google and Tubebuddy when searching Youtube to help me pick the perfect words and phrases that will help me rank. 


If you'd like to see a quick run through on how to find keywords check out the video above and start at minute 7:53.


Now that you know the 4 Steps to clarifying your coaching niche, and now it’s time to gain even more clarity on who your soulmate client is. 


And if you’re not sure how to do that, CLICK HERE and I’ll walk you through the process to creating your ideal client avatar today!


This will help attract your soul mate clients, create a marketing message that connects with people on a deeper level, and will allow you to get found via online searches.


Also, if you want to join a free community of online coaches who are building their coaching businesses just like you, I’ve created a Facebook group to support your journey and connect you with likeminded people.  CLICK HERE to join now!


Lastly, if this blog was just what you needed in your coaching business, please let me know by sharing it with your coach friends.


Until next time, keep building your empire!


XO, KellyAnne



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