Not sure how to create video content that actually converts? Then THIS, my friend is the blog for you!
Today I’m giving you video content strategies and tools that’ll help you create SUCCESSFUL videos, to increase your influence, impact and income.
Even though we know that video is getting more and more popular, there are still tons of businesses who aren’t using it!
Or at least they aren’t using it strategically---> meaning they’re not:
Here’s a non-boring stat for you: video content generates 1200% more shares on social compared to posts with just images and text.
That’s 1200% MORE exposure, friend. So if this sounds right up your alley then implement these 6 simple content strategies to create powerful and engaging video content that’s going to leave your audience buying in to YOU as an expert, and your products, programs and services.
Before you create content, you first have to know who you’re talking to. This is going to make a world of difference because not everyone is going to relate to you, your content, or what you’re offering.
When you have absolute clarity on your niche and ideal client you’ll be sharing content they care about, as well as using specific relatable language to build rapport and the know, like and trust factor.
Now, there are a LOT of different ways to hone in your ideal client, and if you need a little support on this go ahead and CLICK THIS LINK because I’ve already created a blog/video to make this a simple process for you!
Creating content can confusing and difficult if you’re going in without a plan. That’s why in SLG I teach my clients a specific content process that will lead to an upcoming launch.
When developing your content plan, you want to determine 3 things:
For example, let’s say I was planning to launch a mini course on creating Landing Pages that Convert. I would look at the framework for my course, and pull out the concepts and topics my students MUST know in order to get results (so things like “design layout”, “calls To action”, or “copywriting hacks”) and then I would talk about 1 topic per week in different ways.
The first week I would be talking about design layout, and if I were to put out two videos per week, my first video may be on "Landing Page Design Hacks" and my second video might have a different spin on the topic and be "The Top 5 Landing Page Mistakes Coaches Make”. Then the second week I would talk all about Landing page calls to action.
The purpose of me doing this is to develop a solid content plan that will position ME as an expert, and my upcoming launch as the solution to the audiences problem!
So let’s talk about what this looks like for your business model. Ask yourself these 5 simple questions when coming up with your video content strategy:
It’s important to know that just because you have badass products, programs and services doesn’t mean anyone is actually searching the specific terms or language you’re using to market them.
That’s why it’s so important to focus on SEO research, to make sure people are searching for the topics you’re choosing for your video content.
Youtube is one of 3 search engines online right now. This means that people go there to find answers to questions, and find solutions to their problems.
Research the keywords you’re using in your video title, description and throughout your video content to be sure everything is optimized correctly. THIS is how you’re going to get found online and start to gather a following of hot leads who care about your content.
If you’re going to put out video content, do it consistently. I’ll be honest, it’s a lot of work, but if you create a process or system it'll be much less overwhelming.
There are 3 main processes you’re going to want to think about.
Keep in mind that you're not expected to do all of these things on your own. You can hire people for a very reasonable price on sites like www.fiverr.com or www.upwork.com. Outsourcing the tasks that someone else can do faster and better is always worth the investment in my opinion.
Once you start putting out regular content you’ll see which videos get the most traction… meaning views, likes, comments, and shares.
Listen to your feedback, and give the people more of what they want. Take your most popular videos and think about the topic in different ways to structure new videos around.
Another idea is to interview a couple of experts on the topics your audience is most interested in. Then, the interviewee can share the video with their followers, and you’ll both reach a larger audience. #winwin
One of the main goals of having an online business is to capture leads and build an email list. You do this by adding some sort of free giveaway with your video content in exchange for an email address.
This is what’s called a content upgrade. Words that are used interchangeably with content upgrade are free optin, lead magnet, or free optin incentive. Know that they all mean the same thing.
Now, it’s typically recommended to have one content upgrade per 7-10 videos you post. The freebie could be as simple as a template, checklist, or cheatsheet, or it could be more expansive as a resource library, full ebook, or video series. It’s entirely based off what your ideal clients would find most helpful!
There ya have it friend! My challenge to you is to start implementing these 6 Video Content Strategies to help you find major video content SUCCESS in your business.
If you’re wanting to dig deeper into YOUR PERSONAL video content strategy, I offer a FREE coaching call. During this call you and I will see where you’re at in your video strategy and determine if we vibe to work together. So go ahead, take action and CLICK THIS LINK to get started!
Also, if you want to join a FREE community of content creators and online coaches who are building a business just like you, I’ve created the Self Leaders Society Facebook group to help support your journey and connect you with like-minded people. Click this link to join now!
Lastly, if you felt like this video was just what you needed in your coaching business, please let me know by sharing it with coach friends who might benefit.
Until next time, keep building your empire!
50% Complete
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