For over a decade I’ve helped new and seasoned life coaches build successful coaching business models, create coaching programs that actually transform lives, and design high ticket coaching packages that speak directly to their ideal clients souls.
And the best part? All of this was done in a way that felt natural and aligned with my clients innate gifts and energy levels.
So, you can think of this blog as a mini life coach training where you’ll get the full outline of exactly what you need to start a life coaching business, and get coaching clients asap!
Now, let's begin with a huge congratulations on becoming a certified life coach. If you’re here, that means you’ve made the choice to use your innate gifts, life’s experiences and overall results to benefit the world!
That’s a big deal!
There are three main components to every profitable coaching business, and we're going to explore each one in detail. What makes these components so powerful is that they combine both internal work and practical steps. Let's get started!
This first component is the foundation of your entire life coaching business. It's all about becoming what I call a "Signature Coach."
This step is going to be infused in every practical step as we build your coaching business which is why we start here.
Being a Signature Coach is about knowing, owning and embodying the distinctive, rare, league of your own you-ness that only you bring to the coaching world!
This you-ness is a culmination of your innate gifts and skills, as well as your core life’s experiences and results, which then creates a one of a kind signature lens and perspective with which you view the world.
This is what will separate you from the rest- because there's no other coach on the planet like you. Period. No other coach has experienced your signature topics in the way that you’ve experienced them.
The problem is, most new coaches are imitating other coaches they admire, whether it’s they're branding style, or the language they use, or even some of their mannerisms.
And when you imitate or mirror other coaches, you’re unconsciously hiding your true self from the world. You’re essentially saying “I don’t think who I am is good enough, so I’ll pretend to be who I think IS good enough.”
When you judge yourself as not good enough, your heart closes, and it shows in your energy. Your audience can sense that uncertainty, and it creates a disconnect... and what ultimately happens is that you feel unsafe to them.
So, when you step into your Signature Coach Energy, you’re unconsciously telling the world that you believe the perspective and support you offer, and what has come from your life's journey is valuable.
You are a once in a lifetime human, Coach. When you own that signature energy within you, it's palpable. Your audience will feel it, and they'll be drawn to you.
This is where it all begins and ends. You can have everything else perfectly aligned in your business... but if this energy and mindset aren't rock-solid, your numbers won't budge.
Friend, YOU are that Signature Coach. Your signature perspective has never existed before and never will again. That’s why your audience needs it… and they need you.
The signature lens with which you relate to and observe any topic is completely unique to you. When you can rest in that and cut out all the noise from the outside you become league of your own. You become rare. One of a kind.
This can never be imitated or replicated. And this will be the reason why when people find you online they’ll think “There’s just something about this person”.
What’s happening is you feel safe to them. This signature coach journey is the deepest level of intimacy you’ll ever experience with self.
When you begin making peace with all aspects of self you naturally exude an energy of safety and security - making you irresistible to clients.
If you'd like to learn. more how to stand out as a coach in your niche, you can get instant access to a free masterclass I created called "The Signature Coach: 6 Steps To Becoming THAT Coach & Creating A Coaching Experience Everyone Wants." It's the perfect companion to this blog.
Now that we've tapped into your Signature Coach Energy, it's time to create your Signature Offer. Every successful life coach has a signature program. It’s non-negotiable for many reasons!
This coaching program starts with a framework, and from this one framework, you can package over 30 different signature offers… which translates to potentially over 30 different streams of income in your coaching business.
This coaching program showcases your signature expertise as a life coach. It's a simple, step-by-step process that guides your clients from their current challenges to their desired outcomes.
And if you haven’t created a signature program yet, go ahead and check out my blog called "How To Create your First Signature Program" and I’ll walk you through the entire process.
Friend, your life coaching program is the COMPLETE formula that’s signature to you and your brand, and it’s the thing that sets you apart from every other life coach out there.
It also gets you out of the hourly pricing mindset, and supports you in commanding high ticket prices for your services.
And the good news is, your signature program is not for everyone! Your life’s signature experiences and results have positioned you to support a specific, niched group of people who are all seeking the same transformation.
When you create a coaching program that's truly aligned with your Signature Coach Energy, it becomes a powerful tool for attracting the right clients. They'll sense the authenticity in your offer because it comes from your lived experience, not just information you’re piecing together from the internet.
At a core level, our audience knows if we're just regurgitating information or if you've deeply experienced and moved through what you're sharing.
They know if it's from the head or the heart.
And the combination of your signature experiences, signature results, and signature energy is what you get to turn into a transformational coaching program that supports others in experiencing the same results you're now living!
You’ve become and have a natural rapport with the result, and that is what your clients desire.
Your coaching program is the clarity around your signature topic that not every coach has. It’s how clients find you, get to know and trust you, purchase from you, and know who they can refer to you.
That’s why when a life coach or any other online coach comes to me struggling, one of the first conversations we have is whether or not they have a solid signature framework. Usually they don’t.
But this framework is so crucial because every other practical aspect of your coaching business comes from it.
Without a clear signature program, all of these other aspects of your life coaching business can be confusing.
And confused coaches create a confused (and non-buying) audience.
So, when you can turn your skills, life experiences and results into an epic signature coaching experience, it’ll be so much easier for the right clients to find you from the start.
This is where the rubber meets the road, friend. Your signature marketing system is a rinse-and-repeat process that's tailored to your natural energy, fits your schedule, and works for your unique business model.
I can’t tell you the amount of coaches that come to me struggling with marketing, mainly because they’re using a strategy that doesn’t feel natural and is exhausting them!
So, your signature marketing system is going to be designed to make marketing feel like second nature so that you can maintain consistency, all while generating ongoing leads and sales without draining your time or energy.
Think of this as the business system you'll nurture throughout your coaching career.
You'll never stop marketing because it's the lifeblood of your entire business. You can create amazing courses or have amazing services, but without effective marketing and sales, you'll just have a hobby of building courses and coaching packages.
As we begin talking about your Signature Marketing System there are a few things to consider.
There are many ways to use your content to drive traffic to your offers and create sales. Your job is to choose one simple content marketing strategy and consistently work your signature process.
Coach, your signature coach energy, your signature offer, and your signature sales process are the 3 overarching main ideas within your coaching business. We want our business to stand out, to have an offer, and we want to sell the offer.
Within these 3 main topics are 6 total steps that every life coaching business integrates that will lead to consistent clients and students coming in. I go deep into these 6 steps in a FREE masterclass I created for you called The Signature Coach: 6 Steps To Becoming THAT Coach & Creating A One-Of-A-Kind Coaching Experience Everyone Wants. ... And you can get INSTANT ACCESS NOW!
This 75 minute masterclass walks you through the FULL step by step of everything you’ll need to create and monetize your life coaching business in a way that is streamlined and sustainable long term. So go ahead and click here to get instant access to the free masterclass now!
📣 Lastly, if this blog was just what you needed in your coaching business, please let me know by sharing it with your coach friends.
Until next time, Coach… keep building your empire!
XO, KellyAnne
50% Complete
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