Let's make business easier

...with a Content Marketing Trello Board for coaches!

Where Your Content Hustles Hard So You Don't Have To.

Turn your content creation overwhelm into a smooth, time-saving workflow that not only frees up your schedule but also naturally draws your audience into becoming excited clients and students.

There's an easier way to create leads and sales besides posting on social like a maniac

Imagine this 👇🏽👇🏽

One piece of great, educational content per week...

Created from content you already have. (I'll show you where to find it)

Repurposed into a blog, podcast, Youtube video, Pinterest pins, social content and/or email newsletter.

And POOF... You rank on the first page of the search engines (Youtube, Google, and Pinterest).

Double POOF...  Clients & students start flooding in organically.

That's what life can look like with a Signature Marketing System!

Just imagine... 

  • Turning content you already have into a well-oiled content marketing machine... without the overwhelm and confusion.
  • Having every task you need outlined in actual checklists, in a simplified system that allows you to create ONE piece of traffic driving content that gets repurposed everywhere!
  • How empowered you'll feel having months of content scheduled so that you can focus on other priorities in your business and life... and NOT worry about connecting with your audience!

If any of this sounds like a dream, I want you to know it’s 100% possible for you.


I know because I’ve been in the endless content marketing loop that had me wondering if this whole online coaching business thing was really my path.


Then I made a choice.


If I was going to make a difference and make money online, I needed to do it in a way that didn't require me being physically present all the damn time.

Because honestly, who has time to be showing up online every day?  

Or every week?

Definitely not me.

And I'm guessing since you're here, not you either!


But we know it's important to be visible! 

We know that content marketing is the bridge that brings us closer to our audience.

It's how we build those real connections and become the trusted coach our audience can't wait to see pop up in their feed or inbox...

And it's how we make sure our epic offers land in front of the people who can benefit the most!


So, what to do when the desire to consistently show up online clashes with the desire to have more freedom in our days?


The answer... 

Create a Content Marketing System, Coach.


You already have months of fresh, educational, and engaging content to share with your audience at your fingertips. 

(Don't worry, I'll show you where)


As the CEO of your coaching business, you get to create a very simple content marketing system to createrepurpose and schedule that content so it works FOR you (for months!) while you're focusing on other things that matter to you.


✅ This is where the magic happens because as we already know... more work does not equal more dollars.


More work equals burn out and frustration.


💁🏻‍♀️ In saying that, it's time to consider embracing an easier way that involves a simple content marketing system... and I'm excited to show you what it's all about.

Because When You DON'T Have A Solid Marketing System... 


You'll likely be unconsciously creating complexity and overwhelm in your business... trying to figure out what to share with your audience each day or week.


Or you'll have an underlying feeling of  anxiousness if you're not working... like you should be doing more.


Or it'll always seem like you're just a little bit behind. 


Eesh, that's no way to live or do business. 


You deserve freedom and ease in your days... And here's how you'll get it!

The Signature Marketing System Trello Board is the done-for-you  content marketing template that will support you in organizing, creating, repurposing, and scheduling traffic driving content that works overtime so you don't have to!


If you're ready to rank on the first page of search engines, establish your online presence without burning out, and watch organic leads and sales roll in then this Trello Board was made for you!

👇🏽 Here's What You'll Be Guided Through 👇🏽
  • Your Signature Marketing System

    In phase one we unlock the full potential of your Signature Marketing System using the done-for-you Trello Board. This isn't just about organizing; it's about strategically aligning your platforms to your unique content marketing rhythm. Here's what we'll focus on together:

    • Power Of The Platform: Dive deep into understanding the purpose of the marketing platforms how they're designed to serve your vision. You'll learn the unique functions of each platform and how they can be leveraged to work tirelessly in your favor.
    • Signature Platform SelectionClarify your Signature Platforms – the places where you'll establish yourself as the go-to coach in your niche. 
    • Content Flow Clarity: Organize these platforms on your Signature Marketing Trello Board to map out a crystal-clear content journey... setting the stage for your content to captivate and convert.

Your Signature Content

Wave goodbye to content creation overwhelm in this phase! "Your Signature Content" phase is designed to transform how you approach content creation, turning it into an exciting and stress-free process. Here's what we'll dive into:

  • Content Catalyst: Uncover the goldmine of content ideas you didn't realize you already have. I'll guide you through identifying months' worth of rich, intentional content topics that are just waiting to be shared with your eager audience.
  • Signature Offer Focus: Select an offer that you're passionate about promoting. Then brainstorm a list of 12 compelling topics related to this offer, ensuring each one has the potential to captivate and engage your audience. 
  • Crafting Your Masterpieces: Roll up your sleeves as you move from planning to creation. You'll develop 4-8 pieces of long-form content that are not just intentional but magnetic. Each piece will be carefully crafted to draw your audience closer to your offers, driving traffic and building excitement. Whether it's blog posts, videos, or podcasts, you'll finish this week with a portfolio of content that's ready to make waves.

Your Signature Repurposing Method

This is where your content works harder so you don't have to. Forget about starting from scratch every time, Coach. This week, we're diving into the art of repurposing, ensuring every piece of content you create multiplies its value across your digital presence. Here's how we'll make the magic happen: 

  • Maximize Your Message: Learn to take a single piece of long-form content and spin it into gold across multiple platforms. This isn't just about reaching more eyes; it's about deepening the impact with your audience everywhere they hang out.
  • Newsletter Zen: We'll transform segments of your long-form content into compelling email newsletters. This strategy not only keeps your community engaged but also drives consistent traffic back to your core content and offers, turning readers into loyal clients.
  • Social Media Boss Mode: Discover how to slice and dice your long-form content into bite-sized, shareable social media posts. Each post will not only stand on its own but also serve as a beacon, guiding your followers back to your larger body of work and offers.

Your Signature Scheduling

Welcome to the pivotal phase in your content journey - "Your Signature Scheduling"! This is the phase where your content strategy truly comes to life. We're moving beyond creation into the realm of scheduling your content. Here's how we'll make it happen:

  • Trello Board Activation: Your Trello board isn't just for planning; it's your launchpad for action. You'll systematically check off tasks for each piece of content, propelling them through the content flow pipeline until they're fully scheduled. Imagine the satisfaction as you see each card glide from 'In Progress' to 'Scheduled'!
  • Task Mastery: To be sure this process feels empowering rather than overwhelming, you'll tackle one task at a time. This paced approach keeps the momentum going without the stress, ensuring each piece of content receives the attention it deserves.
  • SEO Optimization: Before any piece of content gets the green light, you'll infuse it with SEO magic. It's not just about scheduling; it's about making sure your content gets noticed by search engines and, more importantly, by your ideal audience. We'll weave in keywords, optimize titles and descriptions, and ensure your content is primed to rank.
So, what's in the Content Marketing Trello Board anyways?

The Signature  Marketing System Trello Board is your all-in-one toolkit for success, featuring…

  • Step By Step Video Trainings -One small step at a time! You'll learn to easily create, repurpose, and schedule just one piece of weekly content that not only highlights your coaching skills, but also drives traffic straight to your offers.  
  • Content Creation Template - Not sure how to create content that turns your audience into clients & students? No problem!  You'll get access to a simple template, complete with a script and tutorial walking you through the entire process with ease!
  • Organized Content Marketing Structure- You'll be guided through confidently creating your signature content marketing flow. Then simply populate each Trello Card with your content, and watch as your unique marketing flow comes to life, organized and efficient!
  • Checklists & Real Examples -  Nothing eases the mind like a good checklist. Rest easy knowing you've got everything you need to launch content that not only ranks but also generates leads and sales for years (no hype). And with real life examples at your fingertips, you're set up for success!

No more confusion. No more struggling. No more wasting time.

Yep! When you use The Signature Marketing System Trello Board...

Wondering what the heck to talk to your audience about every week
Transforming content you already have into months of rich, educational and engaging content
Having a marketing system that's fueled by anxiety, overwhelm and fear
Feeling supported by a content marketing system that supports your freedom and bank account
Struggling to maintain a consistent marketing presence
Having weeks or months of content created and scheduled that resonates with your audience, leads directly to sales, and propels your brand forward.
Feeling like your marketing efforts don't align with your energy and capacity.
Feeling fully safe and like you can finally breathe in your business... knowing it has your back by creating freedom and results because you're using the platforms to their fullest capabilities
  • Done-For-You Signature Marketing System Trello Board (Value $47)
  • The Choose Your Content Flow Mini-Masterclass (Value $37)
  • The Your Signature SEO Funnel Masterclass (Value $77)
  • The How To Outline & Write High Ranking Long-Form Content Tutorial + Done-For-You Template (Value $97)
  • The  How To Launch A Youtube Video... So It Ranks Tutorial (Value $37)
  • The How To Launch A Blog Post... So it Ranks Tutorial (Value $37)
  • The How To Repurpose Your Content Into A Newsletter Tutorial (Value $27) 
  • The How To Repurpose Your Content Into Social Media Posts Tutorial (Value $37)
  • The How To Create Pinterest Pins Mini-Masterclass (Value $37) 
  • BONUS Comment box Coaching (Value $997)



$97 USD

  • All payments are made in USD.
  • All sales are final.


With this Done-For-You Template the entire structure of a content marketing plan is organized in a simple, sequential format.

Your job? Drag & drop into a content flow that works for you! (Don't worry, I'll show you how)



You'll get simple, fluff-free, "how-to" content that will guide you through outlining, writing, and formatting high ranking content, and then repurposing & scheduling it all!



Life just got easier with checklists and examples to work from. Big sigh... Feels so good!

The Signature Marketing System Trello Board gives you all the must have's for each Trello card so your creative ideas are continuously flowing, and you can schedule & launch weekly content with confidence



When you purchase the Signature Marketing System Trello Board you will also receive a simple, easy to follow template to accelerate your content marketing creation & repurposing.

  • TEMPLATE: How To Outline & Write High Ranking Long-Form Content (eg. A Blog, Youtube Script, and/or Podcast)

TUTORIAL: Create Your Offer Image Mockups

Research shows that images get more clicks & sales. That's why this Canva tutorial will walk you through how to create a product image bundle for the Signature Offer you're sharing in your marketing content.



Comment Box Coaching

What if you have questions? Or get confused? Or feel overwhelmed?

Team SLG and I have you covered! 

Beneath each masterclass and tutorial is a comment section where you can ask questions, brainstorm, and receive feedback Monday-Friday!

Free of charge... for the life of the product!

($997 value)

And just who will be guiding you through The Signature Marketing System Trello Board?


Me!👋🏼 I'm KellyAnne.



Just like you, I knew I was meant to support the masses, while also living the lifestyle of freedom every coach dreams about.

Turning my offers into months of educational, traffic driving content was step one in making that a reality.

A little about me, personally...

✅ I'm a 6/2 Splenic Manifestor for all my Human Design peeps.

✅ My top value is simplicity.

✅ My genius is all things creating & selling signature offers.

✅ The Virgo in me is obsessed with organization & structure... hence the Trello Board (I know it's a weird obsession haha)!

✅ My joy is showing up as all of me to be the example, and support clients & students in living life and doing business from their truth.


And Coach, one of the ways you're going to do business without running yourself ragged is by creating a solid content marketing system that works hard so you don't have to.


So, let's get started!


By using The Signature Marketing System Trello Board, you're choosing simplicity.


You're choosing to let someone else do the dirty work of making mistakes, "figuring it out", and guiding you through it.


Friend, this isn't just about finding a temporary fix or a one-off content creation spree.


It's about creating a well oiled machine that respects your timevalues your peace, and still nails that super important job of keeping you in the spotlight and connected to your audience... without running you ragged.


Think of it as creating a routine that works hard, so you don't have to!

Still Have Questions?
I'm happy to help!



The SIGNATURE MARKETING SYSTEM puts your content in front of the perfect people every time! 📈

  • Done-For-You Signature Marketing System Trello Board (Value $47)
  • The Choose Your Content Flow Mini-Masterclass (Value $37)
  • The Your Signature SEO Funnel Masterclass (Value $77)
  • The How To Outline & Write High Ranking Long-Form Content Tutorial + Done-For-You Template (Value $97)
  • The  How To Launch A Youtube Video... So It Ranks Tutorial (Value $37)
  • The How To Launch A Blog Post... So it Ranks Tutorial (Value $37)
  • The How To Repurpose Your Content Into A Newsletter Tutorial (Value $27) 
  • The How To Repurpose Your Content Into Social Media Posts Tutorial (Value $37)
  • The How To Create Pinterest Pins Mini-Masterclass (Value $37) 
  • BONUS Comment box Coaching (Value $997)
  • BONUS Canva Tutorial (Value $37) 




$97 USD

  • All payments are made in USD.
  • All sales are final.