
Tele-Coaching: My Favorite One On One Coaching Package

I’ve tried all different types of one on one coaching models since I started my online coaching business in 2013, and most led to feeling tired, drained or burnt out. 


And that’s not because I didn’t love my clients… I absolutely did. 


But one-on-one coaching requires a different level of energy and focus than other coaching models like group coaching or masterminds.


However, I feel like I’ve cracked the code on this because a couple years ago I found a one on one coaching option that supported my energy levels, got my clients results at record speed, and just overall completely blew my mind with the simplicity of it.

And that one on one coaching method is Tele-Coaching.


So, in this video I’m going to be spilling the tea on:

  • What Tele-Coaching is
  • How Tele-Coaching benefits both you and your clients
  • How to craft a coaching package using the Tele-Coaching model
  • Which coaching clients would be the perfect fit for a coaching package focused on Tele-Coaching 


I’m also going to be giving a ton of examples of Tele-Coaching conversations I’ve had, as well as, how to include Tele-Coaching in hybrid coaching packages. 


In saying that, let’s get started with… 


What is Tele-Coaching? 

Simply put, the Tele-Coaching model is coaching through an exclusive conversation thread on your phone.  


In this phone-based model clients receive real time and quick interactions throughout their days or weeks during specific coaching hours.


You and your client can communicate via text, voice memos, and videos during a specific time slot… and can even send links and documents!


I personally use Telegram and WhatsApp with my clients, however you can also check out other tools like Voxer, Marco Polo, and I’ve even seen coaches use Facebook messenger!


Now, I’m more of a visual person so let me show you what this looks like in WhatsApp.  


Once a new coaching client enrolls they receive an exclusive coaching thread. 


Every new client receives the same initial welcome message sharing: 

  • When my coaching hours are (so they know when they can expect to hear from me)
  • Forms of communication within the thread. (I’ll typically set the example by sending a personalized voice memo, branded image, and helpful links to the membership they have access to so they can snoop around!)
  • Encouragement to message any time, day or night as questions, comments, and/or observations arise. Although it’s important to know that I’m very clear in sharing that I’ll only be responding to messages during coaching hours.


So, now that the stage is set and your coaching hours and expectations are clear, you can begin the coaching process.


This is where we get into …


How Tele-Coaching Benefits You & Your Client


Tele-Coaching Benefit #1- Freedom and Flexibility 

My clients and I love how we have the freedom to be anywhere, doing anything, and messaging each other.  


There have been so many times when I’ve been on the road or in an airport sending voice memos. I’ve also responded via text while on a flight.


There are no rules when it comes to how I respond during coaching hours! 


I’ve also received such great feedback from clients on when they can message. They love that they can message any day at any time (knowing I’ll respond during coaching hours). 


Clients have said that it’s supported them in decluttering their minds and hearts, helping them to tick tasks off their lists faster and move beyond internal barriers quicker.


I’ve also found that clients oftentimes solve their own problems quicker through their “talking it out” process. 


So, they’ll leave a voice memo and then at the end they’ll say something like “I actually don’t need you to respond to this because the solution just dawned on me”... or “thanks for listening but I’m realizing I don’t need a response. I know what to do”.


Tele-Coaching Benefit #2- Focused Ongoing Conversations

During Tele-Coaching I give the instruction to keep all voice memos under 5 minutes and dedicated to one topic.


Once that topic is complete, we then can move onto the next topic. 


Also, if the client is texting, they’re asked to consider being intentional and extremely specific with:

  • the questions they’re asking 
  • the result they intend from the conversation
  • the support/guidance they’re looking for


This has supported my clients exponentially in becoming more confident leaders and exceptional communicators. 


They don’t just word vomit all over the place. They stop, reflect, gain clarity on their ask, and share that clarity in a message.


If they can get their ask down to a word, phrase or a few short sentences we both know they’re on the right track! 


And that’s when those results start coming at lightning speed!


Tele-Coaching Benefit #3- Simple Progress Tracking

Because we’re focusing on one topic at a time it makes it a much easier and simpler process to track progress throughout our time together!


I often use other project management tools like Trello, Asana, and/or Monday in collaboration with coaching clients to keep projects neat and tidy, track progress, and move projects forward quickly.


This way we can physically see what’s being completed throughout our time together as tasks are ticked and moved around.


Tele-Coaching Benefit #4- Message Search Option 

One of the things I love most about using WhatsApp with one on one coaching clients is being able to search for specific messages.


If you’ve ever been on a text thread with anyone you know how fast the messages can pile up. 


In WhatsApp you can search specific words or phrases, and it’ll show the results that you can tap to open that message in the chat.


So, if you know your client was messaging you about their sales funnel a week prior and you wanted to find that message, you can easily search “Sales Funnel” and then WhatsApp will highlight it for you showing all the different places you’ve talked about sales funnels!


This way you’ll be able to find anything you need quickly when responding to one on one coaching clients.


So, now that you have an idea of some of the benefits of Tele-Coaching with clients, let’s get into… 


How To Craft A Coaching Package Using The Tele-Coaching Model


This is the fun part! I have a Tele-Coaching package completely on its own and I also use it in hybrid coaching packages.


So, let’s take a look at some examples, as well as your options! 


The first coaching package I use Tele-Coaching in is a 6 week intensive. 


Here’s how this works… all my online courses have a coaching option in the sidebar. This option is a 30 Days Of Tele-Coaching Package where students within my online courses can receive Monday-Friday support from 11:00am-3:00pm Eastern Time for 30 Days or 6 full weeks as they’re working on completing the course they purchased. 


In addition to our live coaching thread I also include 6 weeks access to:

  • The Self Led Coach Membership (access to ALL online courses, as well as 50+ Masterclasses, Templates, Tutorials, Email Scripts, Journal Prompts, Pre-Recorded Masterminds, and more)
  • FREE Admission to 6 weeks of LIVE workshops, masterclasses, and monthly group coaching calls


This allows my clients to have everything they need to complete and implement their course with confidence! 


And I must say I LOVE the 30 Days Of Tele-Coaching option specifically for my online course students because the coaching is simple, niched, and has a clear end result in mind! 


The results typically come quick, and the client will often sign up for an additional round for other projects they have going on in their business!


And to give you an idea of the price point, I charge $3333 for a 30 Days Of Tele-Coaching Package and then give a 10% Discount the first time a client becomes a repeat buyer and purchases another round.


Another way I use the Tele-Coaching Model is in my one on one coaching packages. This is for my 3, 6, and 12 month one on one clients.


In addition to a bank of one on one zoom coaching sessions, my clients also receive monthly Tele-Coaching days on the 2nd and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. 


And friend, this is also something I’ve received the best feedback on! Clients love that they have the combination of zoom and Tele-Coaching because they’re typically used for different purposes.


You see, Tele-coaching works well when a client is actively working on niched projects real time. We’re able to brainstorm, bounce ideas off each other, resolve tech issues, and even disentangle mental and emotional barriers that arise in the moment.  


Zoom calls are wonderful for projects that may need a little more implementation time. So, maybe a client is building out a full sales funnel, or they’re testing out a marketing strategy and are checking weekly on analytics, or maybe they’re developing and testing an evergreen email campaign.


So, you can see the difference in the vibe of each coaching method used.


And the third way I use Tele-Coaching in coaching packages is as an add on to group coaching experiences. So, when a client enrolls in a group coaching program they have the opportunity to add 2 weekly Tele-Coaching Days to their group coaching experience for the duration of the program. 


This gives them the benefit of one on one AND group support… helping them to go further faster.


So, in saying all of this, as you’re crafting a coaching package, take a look at the functionality of the Tele-Coaching model and potential needs of your clients to determine the best timeframe for the package (30 Days, 3 months, an add on to a 16 week group program, etc).


Really tune into what you’ll be supporting your client with and how much time they’ll need if they’re using Tele-Coaching to its fullest capabilities.


And while we’re talking about clients, let’s continue the conversation by getting into… 


Which coaching clients would be the perfect fit for a Tele-Coaching Package 

While I absolutely LOVE this coaching method, I’ll admit that it’s not for everyone! 


Throughout the past couple years of diving deep into Tele-Coaching I’ve been able to pinpoint specific personality types and overall qualities that work well with this model. 


In saying that, here are a few green flags to look out for. My clients who thrive in the Tele-Coaching model all:


  • Love communicating via phone. They genuinely enjoy carrying on conversations through texting, sending voice memos, and even sending videos. 


It’s typically how they communicate with other people in their day to day lives and doesn’t feel weird or awkward.


  • Are tech savvy (or are willing to learn). Hopping on a new platform or software can sometimes take a minute to get used to. So, my clients who have taken Tele-Coaching to the next level were ones who took some time to play around the platform, click on buttons to see what they did, ask me questions on how certain aspects of the platform works, and/or even watched a youtube video or two to make the most of their coaching experience.


  • Are actively working on a niched aspect of their business at the time of enrollment. The clients who had the best results came in with a purpose and clear intention. They were building out their first signature program curriculum. Or they were creating coaching packages. Or they were developing a sales funnel to sell their evergreen online course. Or they were solidifying and testing a marketing funnel that felt authentic and didn’t drain them of their energy.


The point is they were actively and creatively working on, wanting to talk about, and ready to complete one niched aspect of their coaching business.


  • Used the coaching experience to its fullest! These folks were texting questions as they would arise (day or night). They were sending links and asking for feedback.  They were sending voice memos describing uncomfortable and sometimes familiar feelings and thought loops that were showing up in the moment. 


They were taking initiative and USING the Tele-Coaching model fully! 


In saying that, I’d love to hear from you on the Tele-Coaching model! Do you think it’s something that would work as a coaching package in your coaching business? If so, I’d love to hear how you plan to offer it! Let me know in the comments below!


Now, I know there was a lot of information in this video about Tele-Coaching as a potential coaching package option for you, and you may be thinking that there’s more to this than you thought!


If you’re still not quite sure how to organize your Tele-coaching packages I have a resource to support you below this video.  


My 30 Days of Tele-Coaching package is an opportunity for you and I to communicate on a Monday- Friday coaching thread for 6 weeks to solidify and start enrolling clients & students into your coaching packages.  We’ll do everything from clarifying your offer, tightening up your sales page, cleaning up your sales funnel, and implementing a clear and genuine marketing strategy.




So, go ahead and click the picture above to learn more about those now.

📣 And, if this blog was just what you needed in your coaching business, please let me know by sharing it with your coach friends.


Until next time, Coach… keep building your empire!


XO, KellyAnne



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